Submitted by James.Fenna on

Following a tough recruitment process, Kingspark School and the 8 Dundee Secondary Schools selected 2 Young Ambassadors per School to represent Dundee. The Active Schools team and the Young Ambassadors travelled down to Tynecastle Park to take part in the Sport Scotland Young Ambassador Conference.

We heard insights from previous Young Ambassadors and held a Q and A session with GB and Scotland Badminton Player, Kirsty Gilmour. The Young Ambassadors then took part in different workshops to help them in their role as Young Ambassadors.

Young Ambassadors have two key roles:

  • to promote sport, and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport in a wide range of settings within their local communities, including schools, clubs and community organisations
  • to influence six key aspects of school sport: extra-curricular sport provision, links to community sport opportunities, opportunities for competition, celebration of pupil achievements in sport, leadership opportunities for young people, PE in schools.

As role models and leaders for other young people, Young Ambassadors can have a pivotal role within their school and wider community.


Good Luck to the 2022/2023 Young Ambassadors, we are excited to see what you can achieve!


Innes and Praise represented Harris Academy at the Conference. Innes said "I learned so much about leadership and being a Young Ambassador. The fantastic conference in Edinburgh has prepared me to really promote sports within my school! It was a really fun time with loads of interesting people that offered advice and support to all of the new YA's."


Praise said: "It was an informative and fun experience, and it was good to talk to previous YA's. That helped me to understand what the role of a young ambassador is. The conference has given me a head start on how we can improve sport in our school. It Was also good to meet other young ambassadors, athletes and Sport Scotland staff." 

New Young Ambassadors 2022